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Aws Cdk Toolkit Cli Reference


AWS CDK Toolkit CLI Reference


The AWS CDK Toolkit CLI is a command-line interface (CLI) for interacting with AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) applications. It provides commands for creating, deploying, and managing CDK applications.

Key Concepts

The following concepts are important for understanding the AWS CDK Toolkit CLI:

  • CDK App: A CDK app is a directory that contains CDK code.
  • CDK Stack: A CDK stack is a logical unit of deployment. A stack typically contains the resources that are required for a particular application component.
  • CDK Construct: A CDK construct is a reusable building block for creating CDK stacks.


The AWS CDK Toolkit CLI provides the following commands:

  • cdk init: Creates a new CDK app.
  • cdk deploy: Deploys a CDK stack.
  • cdk destroy: Destroys a CDK stack.
  • cdk synth: Synthesizes a CDK app into CloudFormation templates.
  • cdk watch: Watches a CDK app for changes and automatically deploys the stack when changes are detected.

Getting Started

To get started with the AWS CDK Toolkit CLI, install the CDK Toolkit package and create a new CDK app using the cdk init command.

You can find more information about the AWS CDK Toolkit CLI in the AWS CDK documentation.

